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Where We Stand: Class Matters

This book is about bell hooks
Cover of the book Where We Stand: Class Matters

Summary of Where We Stand: Class Matters

"Where We Stand: Class Matters" offers an introspective journey through the lens of renowned social justice leader bell hooks. Published on October 26, 2000, this book melds personal anecdotes from hooks' upbringing in Kentucky with her experiences in Manhattan's Co-op boards to explore the complex interplay of class and race. With unflinching honesty and rigorous analysis, hooks invites readers into a reflection on economic and racial justice, urging a deeper understanding of how these issues are interconnected and impact everyday life. Ideal for adult education classes, this thought-provoking work challenges individuals to think beyond societal dilemmas and consider transformative ways forward. It is an essential read for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of social stratification and its effects on communities. Will you see the world the same after delving into the insights of bell hooks?

Book Details

Published by Routledge on October 26, 2000
172 pages
ISBN: 9780415929110
Best for readers in Adults Learning and Growing
This book provides valuable insights into Racial Justice and Economic Justice, highlighting key issues and advancements within these areas

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