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We Real Cool: Black Men and Masculinity

This book is about bell hooks
Cover of the book We Real Cool: Black Men and Masculinity

Summary of We Real Cool: Black Men and Masculinity

In "We Real Cool: Black Men and Masculinity," bell hooks delivers a compelling exploration of the societal and internal challenges that besiege black men in America. Published in 2003, this thought-provoking book dives into the heart of racial and gender injustices that shape the experiences of black men. Hooks argues that the lack of love and acceptance from both the white community and within their own, coupled with the pressures from societal expectations, creates a harsh reality for black males. She addresses how these factors contribute to a cycle of self-hate and failure, urging readers to reconsider how society influences black masculinity. Ideal for adult education settings, this book not only provides deep insights into racial justice and gender equality but also invites critical reflection on how we can collectively foster a more inclusive environment. "We Real Cool" is a crucial read for anyone looking to understand the complex interplay of race and gender in shaping identity and social dynamics.

Book Details

Published by Routledge on November 12, 2003
184 pages
ISBN: 9780415969277
Best for readers in Adults Learning and Growing
This book provides valuable insights into Gender Equality and Racial Justice, highlighting key issues and advancements within these areas

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