Home / Social Justice Leaders / Carter G. Woodson

Carter G. Woodson

Image of the social justice leader, Carter G. Woodson

What was Carter G. Woodson known for?

Pioneered Black History Month, elevating awareness of African American history through their significant contributions to civil rights.

Who was Carter G. Woodson?

Carter G. Woodson, a pioneering figure born in the United States in 1875 and passing in 1950, holds a paramount place in the annals of history. Revered as the architect of Black History Month, Woodson championed the recognition and celebration of African American history, a cornerstone in the ongoing struggle for civil rights. His tireless efforts and significant contributions have elevated awareness of the rich tapestry of African American heritage, inspiring generations to delve into the profound narratives often overlooked or marginalized. Today, embracing Woodson's legacy is not merely a nod to the past but a vital step towards understanding the complexities of civil rights history and fostering a more inclusive and equitable society. Let us honor his memory by continuing to learn, share, and advocate for justice and equality in our communities, standing as torchbearers for progress and unity.

What did Carter G. Woodson advocate for?

Racial Justice, enriching our understanding through their unique perspectives and expertise

Where was Carter G. Woodson from?

Origin country was United States

When was Carter G. Woodson born?


What ethnicity was Carter G. Woodson?

Ethnicity: Black

What gender was Carter G. Woodson?

Gender: Male

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