Home / Social Justice Leaders / Asa Philip Randolph

Asa Philip Randolph

Image of the social justice leader, Asa Philip Randolph

What was Asa Philip Randolph known for?

A trailblazer in the fight for equality and justice, A. Philip Randolph's unwavering dedication to both the labor and civil rights movements marked him as a beacon of hope and courage during pivotal moments in American history.

Who was Asa Philip Randolph?

A. Philip Randolph, born in 1889 and passing in 1979, stood as a beacon of hope and courage during pivotal moments in American history. His unwavering dedication to both the labor and civil rights movements marked him as a trailblazer in the fight for equality and justice. Through his leadership and tireless advocacy, he paved the way for significant advancements in the rights of workers and African Americans. Randolph's legacy serves as a reminder of the power of individuals to ignite change and challenge systemic injustices. His contributions continue to inspire and guide those seeking to create a more just and equitable society.

What did Asa Philip Randolph advocate for?

Gender Equality and Religious Freedom, enriching our understanding through their unique perspectives and expertise

Where was Asa Philip Randolph from?

Origin country was United States

When was Asa Philip Randolph born?


What ethnicity was Asa Philip Randolph?

Ethnicity: Black

What gender was Asa Philip Randolph?

Gender: Male

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