Delve into the profound narrative of "The Buddha and His Dhamma," where the enigmatic life and teachings of the Buddha are meticulously unraveled. Published on March 4, 2019, and inspired by the insightful perspectives of social justice leader B.R. Ambedkar, this book addresses the complexities that have long puzzled scholars and practitioners alike. From the pivotal moment of Parivraja—Siddhartha Gautama's transformative renunciation—to the compassionate teachings that challenged the societal norms of his time, this book offers a fresh, reasoned exploration of events and ideologies that seem almost paradoxical at first glance. Structured into compelling chapters like "Campaign of Conversion" and "Religion and Dhamma," it not only traces the historical and spiritual journey of the Buddha but also contextualizes it within the broader discourse of indigenous rights and religious freedom. Ideal for adult education settings, this narrative encourages a deep reflection on how ancient wisdom can inform contemporary social justice. Engage with this seminal work to understand the intersection of spirituality and social transformation.