Summary of Pangolina
"Pangolina" is a poignant and captivating tale penned by the esteemed naturalist Jane Goodall, released on June 8, 2021. This fictional narrative, ideal for elementary school readers, beautifully intertwines the themes of environmental and animal justice. Through the tender story of Pangolina, a young pangolin who experiences both the warmth of maternal love and the harsh reality of illegal wildlife trafficking, Goodall sheds light on the critical plight of pangolins—mammals unique for their scales and increasingly endangered due to poaching. As Pangolina faces the threat of being sold for her supposed medicinal scales, a compassionate young girl steps in, illustrating the powerful impact of empathy and action. The book not only offers an engaging story but also includes authoritative information about pangolins and practical ways to contribute to the fight against animal trafficking. "Pangolina" invites readers to explore the deep connections between humans and animals, urging a call to action to protect these silent victims of injustice.