"Frederick Douglass: Self-Made Man" delves into the extraordinary life of Frederick Douglass, who transformed from a slave into a pivotal intellectual and statesman advocating for racial justice. Published on March 6, 2018, this biography by Timothy Sandefur provides a compelling look at how Douglass's unwavering belief in the U.S. Constitution as a fundamentally anti-slavery document shaped his activism. Capturing Douglass’s journey from harrowing experiences in slavery to his escape and subsequent rise as a leading abolitionist, the book eloquently portrays his philosophy of self-reliance and his relentless pursuit of equality. Douglass's life is a testament to the power of resilience and individual rights, making this book an invaluable resource for high school students exploring themes of racial justice and the history of civil rights in America. Through Douglass's eyes, readers are invited to reflect on what it means to live up to one's principles and fight for a more equitable society.