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Eleanor Roosevelt: In Her Words: On Women, Politics, Leadership, and Lessons from Life

This book is about Eleanor Roosevelt
Cover of the book Eleanor Roosevelt: In Her Words: On Women, Politics, Leadership, and Lessons from Life

Summary of Eleanor Roosevelt: In Her Words: On Women, Politics, Leadership, and Lessons from Life

"Eleanor Roosevelt: In Her Words: On Women, Politics, Leadership, and Lessons from Life" offers an unprecedented glimpse into the thoughts and words of one of the most influential figures in American history. Published on September 5, 2017, this illustrated collection brings together excerpts from Roosevelt's newspaper columns, radio talks, speeches, and correspondence, showcasing her profound impact on gender equality and racial justice. As a former First Lady, UN delegate, and public personality, Roosevelt's writings chart her evolution from the 1920s through her White House years to her significant contributions at the United Nations, including her pivotal role in shaping the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. From advocating for "the forgotten woman" to challenging the "America First" mindset, her words resonate deeply with contemporary struggles for civil rights and democratic ideals. This book is an essential resource for college students studying social justice, offering a rich perspective on leadership and the relentless pursuit of equality.

Book Details

Published by Black Dog & Leventhal on September 5, 2017
368 pages
ISBN: 9780316552912
Best for readers in College Students
This book provides valuable insights into Racial Justice and Gender Equality, highlighting key issues and advancements within these areas

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